Monday, December 7, 2009

St. Mawr-Sweaty Palms

So my friend Jane showed me this band the other night before a Party which was supposed to be a "Pure Moods" theme party and ended up being something completely different which involved a lot of gin and hip-hop. Anyways, the band's St. Mawr from right here in SF. I guess these kids went to high school with Jane and a friend of hers started up a label called Cut Division just so he could put this out. Rightfully so, it's good, take my word for it.

PS- I've got a whole mess of new stuff to upload, I'll work on getting it all up throughout tonight. I've been lazy and without headphones so actually getting around to listening to new stuff has been tough recently.


Anonymous said...

hey man thanks for the post!

Ryan Paul McLain said...

yeah man keep up the good work.